When you realise you don’t have a clue …

Or The Joys of Covering a Junior Event…

“I second that’ smiled Steve Cubbins, our photographer/webmaster when I told him I was going to write an article entittled : don’t have a clue what’s going on…

Thing is, when matches are happening on 15 courts, with kids running everywhere with age group following one after the other, you just want to sit, cry and go hommmme.

Only kidding but you see our point here. So Cub is clicking away, I’m posting a few videos showing players from Canada, USA, Russia.… Also, the return of Mohamed Menshawy – former WSF Vice President – who we didn’t see for at least a year… Tamer Mamdouh, just finished the CIB Finals and working here with Ashraf Hanafi, the Tournament Director… Mohamed ElKeiy, who goes and coaches in Colombia, Russia, and brought a few kids in that one too… and of course SquashTV with Laurent and Sarah in action…

Plus a few “atmosphere” ones, that you can find our our instagram, ArdicJunior..

One thing I really appreciate is how good are those little refs. They learn quickly, have a very good eye, and their decisions are frightfuly accurate I must say…

And how not to mention our “chef d’orchestre”, Ahraf Hanafi, tournament director of the Ardic event, who has been working for two years plus on this event with Ardic CEO Ashraf Dowidar – we hope to catch up with him later this week Insh’Allah. Of course, you might remember his name from the BlackBall two events, as he was also the heart of those….

I suspect he hasn’t slept in a while, but he has time for everybody and keeps smiling to all.

Stay tuned people, and welcome to the first ever Ardic Egyptian Junior Open…